Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Noise in Electrical Circuits

Q1. What is meant by normal mode & common mode noise?

• Normal Mode -- an indication of a differential change at the inputs of the measuring instrument
• Common Mode -- an indication of an equal change on both inputs of the measuring instrument

• Normal-Mode Rejection Ratio (NMRR) -- describes the ability of the instrument to reject a normal (differential) signal, it is given by the following formula:
NMRR = 20 log (Vmeasured/Vin)

where Vin is applied differentially to the instrument inputs, and Vmeasured is the value indicated by the DMM. This specification is useful for measurement systems that have filters to eliminate signals at a given frequency or over a range of frequencies. For systems that do not have filters, the NMRR is 0 dB. This specification, which is often used to indicate the capability of the instrument to reject 50 or 60 Hz, is valid only at the specified frequency and useful only when making DC measurements.

For example, if you are measuring 1 mVDC with a DMM that specifies a NMRR of 130 dB at 60 Hz, and you have a normal-mode interference (noise) of 100 mVrms, then your resulting measurement error is 31.6nV

which is 0.003 percent of your measured signal instead of the 10,000 percent error that the 100 mV interference implies.
• Common-Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) -- a measure of the capability of an instrument to reject a signal that is common to both input leads. For instance, if you are measuring a thermocouple in a noisy environment, the noise from the environment appears on both input leads. Therefore, this noise is a common-mode signal that is rejected by the CMRR of the instrument. The CMRR is defined by the following equation:
CMRR = 20 log (Differential Gain/Common Mode Gain)

This specification is very important because it indicates how much of the common-mode signal will affect your measurement. CMRR is also frequency dependent.

Q2. What is quantisation error?

Quantization is defined as the process of converting an analog signal to a digital representation. Quantization is performed by an analog-to-digital converter (A/D converter or ADC).
The time resolution we have is limited by the maximum sampling rate of the ADC. Even if we were able to increase our sampling rate forever, it would still never be purely “continuous time” as is our input signal. For most real world applications, this is still very useful despite its limited nature. But obviously the usefulness of our digital representation increases as our time and amplitude resolution increases. The amplitude resolution is limited by the number of discrete output levels an ADC has.

For example, a 3-bit ADC divides the range into 23 or eight divisions. A binary or digital code between 000 and 111 represents each division. The ADC translates each measurement of the analog signal to one of the digital divisions. To increase the ADC number of divisions from eight (23) to 65,536 (216) allows the 16-bit ADC to obtain an extremely accurate representation of the analog signal. This inherent uncertainty in digitizing an analog value is referred to as the Quantization error. The quantization error depends on the number of bits in the converter, along with its errors, noise, and non-linearities.

Q3. What is dithering?

During Quantization, in the time domain, we could almost completely preserve the waveform information by sampling fast enough. In the amplitude domain we can preserve most of the waveform information by dithering.

Dithering involves the deliberate addition of noise to our input signal. It helps by smearing out the little differences in amplitude resolution. The key is to add random noise in a way that makes the signal bounce back and forth between successive levels. Of course, this in itself just makes the signal noisier. But, the signal smoothes out by averaging this noise digitally once the signal is acquired.

Q4. Name some common noise reduction strategies. What is noise floor?

1. Keep the source resistance and the amplifier input resistance as low as possible. Using high value resistances will increase thermal noise proportionally.
2. Total thermal noise is also a function of the bandwidth of the circuit. Therefore, reducing the bandwidth of the circuit to a minimum will also minimize noise. But this job must be done mindfully because signals have a Fourier spectrum that must be preserved for accurate measurement. The solution is to match the bandwidth to the frequency response required for the input signal.
3. Prevent external noise from affecting the performance of the system by appropriate use of grounding, shielding, cabling, careful physical placement of wires and filtering.
4. Use a low-noise amplifier in the input stage of the system.
5. For some semiconductor circuits, use the lowest DC power supply potential that will do the job.
The noise floor of a measurement device is the measured noise level with its inputs grounded.

Q5. What is electrical & safety isolation. What are ground loops, common mode voltage?

Isolation is a means of physically and electrically separating two parts of a measurement device, and can be categorized into electrical and safety isolation. Electrical isolation pertains to eliminating ground paths between two electrical systems. By providing electrical isolation, you can break ground loops, increase the common-mode range of the data acquisition system, and level shift the signal ground reference to a single system ground. Safety isolation references standards have specific requirements for isolating humans from contact with hazardous voltages. It also characterizes the ability of an electrical system to prevent high voltages and transient voltages from transmitting across its boundary to other electrical systems with which you can come in contact.

Incorporating isolation into a DAQ system has three primary functions: preventing ground loops, rejecting common-mode voltage, and providing safety.
Ground Loops
Ground loops are the most common source of noise in data acquisition applications. They occur when two connected terminals in a circuit are at different ground potentials, causing current to flow between the two points. To avoid ground loops, ensure that there is only one ground reference in the measurement system, or use isolated measurement hardware. Using isolated hardware eliminates the path between the ground of the signal source and the measurement device, therefore preventing any current from flowing between multiple ground points.
Common-Mode Voltage
An ideal differential measurement system responds only to the potential difference between its two terminals, the (+) and (-) inputs. The differential voltage across the circuit pair is the desired signal, yet an unwanted signal can exist that is common to both sides of a differential circuit pair. This voltage is known as common-mode voltage. An ideal differential measurement system completely rejects, rather than measures, the common-mode voltage. Practical devices, however, have several limitations described by parameters such as common-mode voltage range and common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR), which limit this ability to reject the common-mode voltage.
CMRR (dB) = 20 log (Differential Gain/Common-Mode Gain).

Q6. What types of isolation are used in Data Acquisition Systems?

There are three basic types of isolation that can be used in a data acquisition system:

Optical Isolation
Optical isolation is common in digital isolation systems. The media for transmitting the signal is light and the physical isolation barrier is typically an air gap. The light intensity is proportional to the measured signal. The light signal is transmitted across the isolation barrier and detected by a photoconductive element on the opposite side of the isolation barrier.

Electromagnetic Isolation
Electromagnetic isolation uses a transformer to couple a signal across an isolation barrier by generating an electromagnetic field proportional to the electrical signal. The field is created and detected by a pair of conductive coils. The physical barrier can be air or some other form of non-conductive barrier.

Capacitive Isolation
Capacitive coupling is another form of isolation. An electromagnetic field changes the level of charge on the capacitor. This charge is detected across the barrier and is proportional to the level of the measured signal.

Q6. What is the formula for signal to noise ratio?

It is expressed as SNR = 10 log 10 (Vs/Vn) where
Vs = RMS value of signal voltage
Vn = RMS value of noise voltage

Q7. How can the sensor ground loop problem occur?

Occasionally, you may get a ground loop problem. This happens when:
• The signal of the sensor is earthed locally.
• AND the acquisition system measures the sensor’s voltage with regard to the ground, its local ground

Ground loop
What one may not realise is that the electrical potential of the ground can vary significantly within the same building. This means there can be a potential difference (i.e. voltage) between the ground at the sensor’s end, and the ground at the acquisition end. It can easily by 1 Volt. Not a big value? Well, if it’s added to the few Volts representing the sensor’s measurement, it changes significantly the value read by the control system. The other consequence is the induced current. Ohm’s law says the current is voltage divided by the wire resistance, which for a long conductor may be 1 Ohm. Our 1 Volt turns into 1 Amp circulating in a loop through the sensor and the control system, potentially damaging the electronics.
Control systems are normally designed to avoid ground loops. Sensors themselves are either powered on the acquisition side or provide floating / non-referenced signals. But occasionally poor or damaged wiring can cause a ground loop. For instance if the cable shield is earthed at both ends: the current going though may not be in a signal wire, but still has the potential to do damage and to induce a voltage into the signal.
In practice, consider ground loops in the following cases. First if a sensor appears not to be working online, test it offline without the potential for ground loop. Second, if the sensor provides silly values intermittently, seemingly working fine the rest of the time, you may have a ground loop or another noise problem. Third, when checking independently the process, you may use a portable or PC-based signal logger. That’s where the greatest danger of ground loop is: the logging system, if not battery operated, is most likely earthed and you must make sure you use “differential input” as a form of signal conditioning (as opposed to ground-referenced single ended)

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